Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Its amazing what new clothes can do , when it comes to how you feel. I was feeling ugly and all my clothes were looking bad..all worn out or too small..which has been way too depressing. Sooo.. today I gave in.

I went out shopping and spent all the money I had saved up for a new Kayak. I have been saving about 2% of my paychecks into a 'kayak fund'. Anyway, today I sept all 240 dollars of it. I feel so good now that I almost think it was worth it!

Today Ryan called me when I was trying on outfits in the Reitmans changeroom. He asked if I could stop on my way home and buy a toilet plunger. After talking to Ry I finished up shopping and then walked over to Superstore to buy a pluger. I look and look for a plunger. I even asked a worker (who gets to wear rollerblades while working) where plungers were located. He tells me aisle 21 or something( I can't remember the number). So I look back in one of the places I've already looked and still no plunger..So...on to Canadian plungers! They are all out. So...... I go to WalMart and they had a plunger! Finally I had my plunger!
I spent almost an hourlooking for a fricken toilet plunger.

I felt like writing but I am distracted by Sex and the City.

I'll write more later. maybe about my weird dreams last night.


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