Friday, April 21, 2006

getting drowsy

so we leave on monday and I am holding back being excited because of one reason. The flights. I am terrified of flying. You think that with the amount of flying that I've done I'd be over it by now but NO. Everytime I am about to fly I always say that I am going to get a prescription for something to help my anxiety but I never do. Well this time I actually did. We are flying from Victoria to Vancouver first off..and the plane is super small so that gave me extra reason to go get something. Last time I took 2 gravol and it did absolutely nothing. So my doctor wrote me a prescription for Ativan. We decided I should test it ahead of time so about 20 min ago I took one and to tell ya the truth I feel pretty darn relaxed and I am gonna sleep like a wee baby. Bed sounds rather exciting right now. Hows this for a friday night hey? Wow Im a big winner taking anti-anxiety meds at home on a Friday night and to top it all off I AM WRITING ABOUT IT ON MY BLOG!!! Hmmfff. ahh well. nightie night meatheads
Peace out

this is a photo that my mom and pops took in Tofino.It makes me excited for going surfing in SanDiego next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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