Tessa's new friend
As I was saying, my parents were down this weekend and brought Kayla with them for the first time. Other than the initial putting eachother in their place stuff and some jealousy(u can see quite clearly in this photo) they got along quite well. Its nice to know that we can visit eachothers houses with the kids from now on.
What do you think about Pictionary? I love it it is my favorite game...but we rarely play it cause a certain somebody is bitter towards the game because I was mean one time when we were playing. I told him I have matured since then.lol anyway I love pictionary...Sarah, Chris...remember our pictionary summer? that was a blast...ahhh good times, good times!
wow I am on a posting frenzy
Ha ha, the way that first picture showed up under the title I thought, "their dog's friend is wine?" Your dog and I have something in common!
are them dogs having a wino party?
ab minded - hello:) lol i was waiting for aomebody to mention that!
Drunk dogs= Good times!
pictionary is loads of fun when you're with the winning team. or the drunk team.
Tessa's new friend is a bottle of wine?
oh crap, AML beat me to it. oh well, too lazy to delete. I really should read comments above mine before I start typing ;)
Wine, dogs and pictionary! Sounds like a recipe for a great time!
Pictionary cracks me up as there's always someone who can't draw for toffee.
The dogs look great. i am not much of a pictionary fan.. more of a balderdash or trivial pursuit kind of guy myself.
I like trivial persuit too its a fun game...we didnt end up playing pictionary..Its kinda a joke amonst our fam.. I always am up for it..but it only happens once in a while..this wasnt one of those once in a whiles.lol...ry thinks i'll get evil so he is scared to play..but I wont I promise! give it another chance ry!! pwease??????
pictionary freaks me out as does charades. I love Cranium and Balderdash!
wendy - have you had an experience that has scarred you from pictionary too??
cranium is fun..we are playing it sat. night prob. Im excited! With a good group of friends and some drinks that game is a blast!
That is the same wine that the smokin roomates drank tonight.
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