Thursday, October 26, 2006

What if it grew more and more each day until you are afraid to leave your house?

What if we all talked to ALL our friends online? Could we eventually have ourselves socializing more online rather than in person? Maybe you would sorta develop an alternate an online personality and then your regular original personality. Are you different online then they are offline? Or maybe you appear different. Maybe you are the same BUT people's perceptions of you vary and that makes you SEEM different but maybe you feel like you are being you in both situations.

I realize that everybody blogs for many different reasons and each to their own...blogging is a great creative outlet, a way to meet people and to have discussions. Could be somebody's way to share photography and art or to keep family and friends undated on things, to journal/scrapbook, share opinions, and bullshit about random stuff.

When online, r you more yourself than offline cause you are saying what's in your mind and you are not watching another's reaction to what you said? When online, talking on msngr. or blogging, U may have no idea and less concern so u continue on and on....I don't know if this makes sense but I will continue on cause its my blog and I can't see anybodies reactions so I will continue on and on and on even if I am boring you. Cause I don't know if I am boring you or not and I never will. That's nice for you cause you don't have to worry about hiding your boredomeness reading what I have to say...You could either leave or just shake your head at me and read anyway. That's a good thing to some probably.

ah well anyway..What if people turned into this alternate personality(your original one eventually wears away) because you became dependent completely on your computer for socializing? What if it grew more and more each day until you are afraid to leave your house?Afraid to talk to people to their faces. I doubt that would ever happen. That would suck though. This is how my mind works when Im wide awake and Ry has to go to bed early for work in the morning. He has to get up round 4am. Poor guy..I am not a morning person I couldn't do it often.


Nobody would enjoy life anymore if it was an indoor, on the computer to socialize, kinda life. Its weird....aaaaahahahahahah imagine that....a planet full of a billion people all who basically live indoors. And eventually at your job there are more and more machines working and less team work....less social interectivness..welcome into my weird brain. Everybody have a good night, day or whatever you are about to do:)


Blogger Scott said...

I fear that the world is going to become more and more 'chat' driven. It is the multi tasking of conversations that I actually fear. You know how when people are online they ahve like five or six chat window open and carry on mini conversations with everyone, nobody devotes full attention any more. That scares me.


8:05 AM  
Blogger ScoutBubba said...

I have social anxiety disorder and havent left my house in 4 years. Pretty weird eh?

9:21 AM  
Blogger Me Myself and I said...

Great topic Lindz.

I think its easier to be more candid online, as in chatting on msn for example. We tend to hide a little behind our computers, and use them as a tool to make us more outgoing (kinda like alcohol ;) As far as blogging goes, I like to keep my friends up to date and I have fun reading about people I don't actually know. Its just interesting, ya know??

7:16 PM  
Blogger JLee said...

I fear it could happen...but we would miss human interaction and eventually come back to it (you'd hope!)

7:39 PM  
Blogger The Grunt said...

I have real anxiety about my real world colliding with my on-line world because I am more open here. I am more me here, I think. I feel that people would just find me to be real quiet and expect me to do funny stuff all the time.

12:59 AM  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Wow, I could almost smell the pot burning while reading this post ;)

While the energy of thought can be transmitted electronically, it will never be enough to sustain us. We need and crave actual human contact. It nurishes our soul in ways we will never truely understand.

Man, does anyone else have the munchies?

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As to the last post...I was thinking the same thing as "the landlord"...great to read your mussings we both had a good chuckle
love ..xx00o00xx ...owner of Tessa's new best buddy

5:17 PM  
Blogger Phil said...

What a superb post!!! 10/10 Lindzy...
This is what I think about a lot! When I blog and use MSN etcetera, I do come across far more lively and happy-go-lucky than I actually am. Although blogging and many other Internet uses are a blessing, it does make it easy to socialise through it, rather than use real life - But is this not real life nowadays anyhow?
In a previous post, I mention not posting due to feeling 'unwell' and this is partly because of coming across as something I and not, or should I say something I am, but only rarely.
I fin d it much easier to text, e-mail, blog or MSN, as I'm not very good at socialising face to face, so doing it remotely gives me time to think when replying and avoids any uncomfortable silences etc, so I personally love it, as it eradicates the parts I do not like, but that's just me... :]

5:18 PM  
Blogger LindzyPinzy said...

wow i need to post my random thoughts more often and not be scared! thanks for all your replies hahahahahahahha to absent minded you hit the nail on the that the correct saying? hmm anywho hope you all have a great halloween weekend:)

6:06 PM  
Blogger b o o said...

i wana go out & play!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Kayla said...

I deal with people face to face all day at the office, so I love to talk online..take my time in giving more thoughtful probably.
It is really my personality, however. What you read is really who I am.
I've gotten to know a few people really well by frequent emails and they seem just as genuine a friend as my "in person" friends.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

I feel I'm pretty much the same online as offline. I can be serious but I'm often not. It's my coping mechanism. I like to mostly post funny things on my blog, and that's how I am in real life. I find it very difficult to be in a situation and not see the humor of it. It annoys my wife at times and very often I censor myself. I've pretty much abandoned my other blog because I'm tired of it although it served it's purpose. One thing I'll add is that I'm not a phone person. I really dislike talking on it. I'd much rather email. I do like human interaction though so I know I'll always have that.

I do find that there are many broken toys out here in BlogLand though. I am one of them. It sometimes surprises me.

That one paragraph about being boring was boring, the rest or the post was wonderful :-)
(see, I can't help it...)

5:48 AM  
Blogger LindzyPinzy said...

haha I love your sense of humour Phil I wish I was more like you in having the ability to find humour in all situations. Its a great quality.. I like to think that I am a little more funny in person although some of my humour shows up in blogging I suppose... But I think you have to know me in person to get me more. I love being a very silly odd person...but I also have a deep, sincere, and to the point side of me too...ahh yes we are all very complex and ever changing individuals!

10:01 AM  

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