Friday, October 06, 2006

Inner Peice

I am very content with life...I am happy with how everything has ended up. Its weird. At this moment I am taking a distant look at what my life looks like and Hmmm Im begging to realize, this is something I do not really think about. Looking close at your life from a different perspective. Like from the outside in. I am so used to living my life each day that I don't really pay attention and see closely what people might think of me. What type of person am I. But I try not to worry about what other people think of me. I guess its not really our business what other people think about us. I don't mean this in a way that you don't have to consider another's feelings but just that we need to be ourselves and not worry about if others will like us or not. It doesn't really matter. Each person will attract and find the necessary people, the people who they need in thier lives, and ones to learn from along the way and those special friends who know you very well and care about you and who each see you in slightly different lights. It takes a while to get used to when there have been a lot of big changes Just refecting on how different my life was was even a couple of years ago. I feel like I can relax and enjoy life. I am totally at ease. I am learning who I am more each day and love the journey of life. I forever will be figuring out who I am and trying to become the best person I can be and live a very happy life with inner peice. Me and Ryan have accomplished so much together and have so much to be proud of. More importantly our relationship but also moving into our first house in which we both have worked so hard for. Getting married is a wonderful thing. It doesn't end there though by any means. Inner peice is something I will work towards my entire life..and there will be endless obstacles along the way. When you are married it does not take away any of your own personal issues. It is a partnership in life. It is love. It is also having your special time together, together with eachother's friends and families, but also individually with one another's friends and families. Keeping ones individual life is so important. I know this for myself anyway. Spending time with friends without your partner there. Doing what each person feels like doing in that moment. Respecting one another's desires. Let your partner be who they are and more importantly, let your partner become who they are meant to be.


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